Thursday, September 05, 2013

Using HTML Gadget to Display Islamic Widget in Blogspot

Using the HTML Gadget

1. Copy the embed code for a particular islamic widget.

Embed code dialog window

This code is available after you click the BLOG ME button on every widget configuration page. You can copy the embed code by clicking the text box or the COPY button.

2. Enter your Blogspot’s Dashboard.

Manage blogs in blogspot

Visit and enter your Dashboard by providing your Google account’s email and password. If everything is okay, you will be presented with a list of blogs that you can manage. Click the LAYOUT button on the blog list that you want to insert the islamic widget into. A diagram of your blog’s layout with its elements will be displayed.

3. Add a new Gadget.

Add a gadget diagram in blogspot layout manager

Look for an ADD GADGET button on your blog’s layout diagram. Depending on your theme, such button can be anywhere and more than one. Choose the one on which position you want to show the islamic widget.
A new window will be presented where you can choose HTML/Javascript Gadget as shown below. Click the PLUS button to continue with the insertion.
HTML/Javascript gadget in Blogspot list

4. Insert the code in the Configuration Box.

Configure HTML / Javascript box to insert Alhabib islamic widget at Blogspot

A new window with a box titled: HTML/Javascript Configuration will be presented. There you can give the widget a title which will be displayed along with it. In the content area, paste the embed code that you have copied in step 1. You can do it by pressing Ctrl-V or right-click with your mouse and click Paste on the displayed menu. Then press the SAVE button at bottom right.

5. Save the changes to your blog’s layout.

Save the layout with the newly added HTML gadget

You will be directed back to the layout page of your blog and a message will tell you that a new element has been added. The newly added gadget will be represented by the title that you have given in the previous step.
On the top row, you have the choice to PREVIEW your changes. If you are satisfied, do not forget to SAVE the modified layout.

Ok, that is all the steps that you need to take to manually inserting the islamic widget on your blogspot blog. I hope I am clear enough in explaining.


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